Day 1: Paris/Poland 

right now it’s July 17th at 9:00 am. WOW! Back home it’s 3:00 am! We’re on our way now to Warsaw, Poland ( on our plane) where my family and I will be taking a tour around Poland. After the tour we will go to Paris. 

  Our first flight landed in Paris. That was a long, long, long flight. Almost 8 hours of sitting! I bacically watched TV and listened to music! I could not fall asleep for the life of me. When we arrived in Paris I was overjoyed it was so cool for the 20 minutes I spent in the airport😂(we will be back to explore the entire city after our tour)  but it was different…. people talked French fast and I kinda just nodded my head and smiled at them, there was no airconditioning in the airport, and terminals were set up different but we made it to our connecting flight to Warsaw! 

In Warsaw my dad led us to our hotel room and we got settled into our hotel room only finding out that I have to sleep on a cot! A cot because Europe rooms do not have double queen beds! Darn it! Idk how comfy it is, I’ll back with you on that tomorrow!  

My mom anted to explore so of course we did! We saw old churches, and statues and monuments! That was super fun until we realized that we were lost 😦 we had to have people help us find our way and luckily my father speaks Polish! After about a 4 mile walk😮😁 we arrived at our hotel safe but tired! We ended out night with dinner and soon enough to I’ll fall asleep! 

What To Know Before You Glow!!!!

tanning: the act of exposing yourself to the suns ray to make yourself browner or darker


Tanning outdoors is safe to do if you do it the right way. There are four steps for getting the perfect tan safely. 

  1. Exfoliate you skin. Exfoliating  your skin gets rid of all the dead skin cells! The sun can shrine better in you if your dead cells are gone
  2. Wear SUNSCREEN. Yes sunscreen! Do not tan if you ARE NOT going to wear sunscreen! Sunscreen helps your skin to not get Burt and it also protects your skin from the sun.
  3. Limit the time you spend outdoors! Don’t spend all day in the sun! Try to spend only 30 minutes to 1 hour in the sun. UV radiation is at its highest between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm so be careful during those times! 
  4. Wear SUNGLASSES and a HAT!!! You do not want to become blind because you were staring into the sun or get skin cancer because you weren’t wearing a hat!!  

I spent only 2 hours playing tennis and this is what happened! Please be mindful if you are going to tan! 




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